Safety First, Always
Safety is our highest priority, the first rule at camp, and the highest expectation to which we hold our team. We understand that, as a parent, you put a lot of trust into any organization that looks after the wellbeing of your child. We take this responsibility very seriously. Safety starts with our team of highly skilled and extensively trained staff, who recognize and pro-actively respond to all of our camp's health and safety concerns. All of our staff go through a full background check and are certified in First Aid and CPR. In addition, here are some of the ways we ensure your child's physical and emotional safety while they are at camp:
Physical Safety
Prevention is the key to our safety track record. This includes extensive emergency procedures and health and wellness policies put in place long before campers arrive. Our standards all meet or exceed the standards established by the American Camp Association and the state of California. Our leadership team reviews all camper enrollment forms prior to each session to identify any pertinent food allergies, medical concerns, and other health notes to ensure campers receive the proper care.
In addition, each of our specialty activities, such as canoeing and archery, are supervised by trained professionals. Our lake is staffed with a team of certified lifeguards (typically provided by Walker Creek Ranch), and all specialty equipment is inspected throughout the summer to ensure it is in good repair. Campers of all ages are supervised 24/7, including in the cabins each night. For the safety of everyone at camp, campers found to be out of their cabin unsupervised after lights out are subject to dismissal.
Although we extensively train our staff on how to prevent most situations, we are always ready for anything. All of our counselors are First Aid and CPR/AED Certified, and our lifeguard staff is also certified in First Aid and CPR in addition to their lifeguarding certification. For minor cuts, scrapes, or other basic first aid, our counselors carry first aid kits and are trained to provide immediate care.
Walker Creek Ranch has three (3) EMT's on staff. Additional emergency services are just a phone call away. Both Hicks Valley Fire Department as well as a helicopter are approximately 15-minutes away.
Emotional Safety
Homesickness is one of the most prevalent emotional safety concerns at camp. Being homesick is a normal response for youth (and adults) to being away from home, often for the first time. Please see our Prepare for Camp page for tips and tools to ensure that your camper (and you) are prepared for this adventure!
Marin Ranch Camp does not tolerate any bullying taking place at camp. Our 1:8 staff ratio helps our counselors connect with each and every camper, so they can proactively address potential serious issues. Any camper found to be bullying another camper may be sent home immediately, without refund.
Identification of these issues
Our counselors live, work, and play with the campers all day, every day, during the summer. Our counselors’ training includes how to recognize and how to respond to these issues. Since our counselors make a special effort to genuinely know each camper in their group, they are in a unique place to recognize when something is "off." In addition, if there are any known emotional or family issues that may affect your camper's experience, we strongly encourage you to contact our office in advance of camp so that we may best respond to your camper's needs. Our counselors work one-on-one with any camper who experiences emotional concerns, and our leadership staff have extensive experience with issues relating to homesickness, behavior, and other emotional needs.
External Hazards
Marin Ranch Camp is located on the property of Walker Creek Ranch, a 1,700 acre property in West Marin. As such, fires, severe weather, and other physical hazards may arise at camp. Our staff are trained to identify and respond to the various natural and external hazards, and follow specific emergency procedures including how to count and properly supervise campers, how to notify administrative staff, and how and where to evacuate, if necessary. In the event of an emergency, the leadership team holds the contact information for all families.
Safety at a Glance
Safety starts and ends with our staff. All staff undergo extensive background checks, including:
- Fingerprinting (LiveScan)
- Background check
- Reference checks
- Interview and application processes
To ensure a high quality team, our staff and training procedures also include the following:
- Extensive staff training including comprehensive sessions on emergency procedures, crisis management, positive discipline, and child development.
- 24/7 supervision of all campers
- Walkie talkie radio usage for communication between groups
- An experienced and highly trained Leadership Team
- A counselor to camper ratio of 1:8 (not including our team of Directors or the Ranch staff)
- Swimming supervised by professionally certified lifeguard staff
- All activities instructed and supervised by trained and certified staff members
- 24/7 communication available to directors in the event of an at-home emergency
- Onsite and offsite administrative support for continutity of communication
- Staff trained in strategies to identify and minimize homesickness